We're almost there! I finished my script and now I will start filming my CCR. I plan to film my face using the webcam built into my MacBook, because I don't think I'll have enough time to film with my camera, plus I like the comfort of being able to see myself. But I don't plan to show myself THAT much (mostly because I don't want to), because I want there to be more graphics like photos and videos than my face. I'm doing everyone a favor really.
Creating the script was relatively easily. But, I'm not sure this is considered a full script, more like a script-outline hybrid of some sorts. I wrote down inserts and dialogue to transition from each topic to the other, but I didn't write down every single word I plan to say. I figure I'm a well-enough speaker that I can improvise if I get stuck, so why waste the time creating something I wasn't going to use. Because of this, the script looks similar to the outline, but I promise they're not exactly the same. It actually took a while to figure out a segway from one topic to another, because I don't want it to appear as if I took the questions, answered them, and am just reading off what I wrote. I want this CCR to be fun and original. Moreover, I've included glosses of what I plan to sign. Glossing is a term used in ASL where we "translate" English into written ASL structure. It's not that complicated to explain, but this is a media class, so I'll leave this link here explaining it if anyone is interested in learning!
One component necessary in our CCR is the citation of our sources. I plan to list my sources all at the end of my video and have them scroll out of the screen like the beginning of the Star Wars movies. I plan to cite specific websites that we used in genre research and deaf research. I also plan to cite my blog (of course) and show our important documents, like our script, storyboard, schedule, and anything I reference while I'm talking. So, here's the script, and I plan to start filming tomorrow and edit tomorrow and Monday. We're cutting it close, but we WILL be done!
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